Primary Students

More Resources

  • Particle Adventure is an interactive guide to fundamental concepts in high energy physics.
  • Quarked is a game designed for 7-12 years to learn about the subatomic world.

ATLAS on YouTube

Submitted by Steven Goldfarb on
ATLAS on YouTube
Resource Category
1 - Media
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1 - highest

ATLAS on Flickr

Submitted by Steven Goldfarb on
ATLAS on Flickr
Resource Category
1 - Media
Resource Format
Audience Type
1 - highest

Build Your Own (LEGO) Particle Detector

Build Your Own (LEGO) Particle Detector

Create the ATLAS detector and the Large Hadron Collider out of LEGOs! The Build Your Own Particle Detector programme provides the plans and part lists for you to create LHC detectors at home.

Start building now.

International Physics Masterclasses

International Physics Masterclasses

Host an International Physics Masterclass! Each masterclass consists of a series of lectures and discussions on particle physics followed by a hands-on session, during which students analysed real LHC data and performed measurements like particle physicists. At the end of each day, like in an international research collaboration, the participants join in a video conference for discussion and combination of their results. Visit the International Masterclass website to find out more.



Enter the world of particle physics with the newly-launched ATLAScraft! Built within the wildly successful game platform Minecraft, this new world recreates the laboratory using 3D blocks. Explore the CERN campus, shrink down to the size of a particle, and even conduct their own “experiments” in educational minigames.

Start playing now.



The ATLAS PhD Grant Scheme aims at encouraging young, talented and motivated PhD students in particle physics research and computing for physics, offering them a unique opportunity to enhance their studies in a top-notch research environment under the supervision and training of ATLAS collaboration experts. Visit the CERN & Society website to find out more.

Particle Physics Masterclasses

Particle Physics Masterclasses

Be a particle physicist for a day by participating in the hands-on analysis of real ATLAS data. The Particle Physics Masterclasses include exercises that allow students to select events and learn key concepts of analysis. These classes are typically led by a researcher from the collaboration working with local teachers, but can be downloaded and run anywhere.

The annual International Physics Masterclasses join classrooms from around the world in a day-long programme than culminates in a videoconference for discussion and combination of results. Join an event near you.


Submitted by Steven Goldfarb on

ATLAS@Home is a research project that uses volunteer computing to run simulations of the ATLAS experiment. You can participate by downloading and running a free program on your computer.

ATLAS physicists are continuously comparing their data with both "known" physics and "new" phenomena predicted by alternative models of the universe, particles and interactions. These tasks run on the WLCG Computing Grid and at any one point there are around 150,000 tasks! You can help ATLAS run these tasks by using your computer's idle time to run simulations.

Resource Category
2 - Education
Resource Format
Audience Type
Citizen Scientists
citizen science
3 - medium