2015 Outstanding Achievement Award Winners


The ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Award winners for 2015 are:

  • Gabriel Facini (University of Chicago) and Anthony Morley (University of Sydney) were recognised for their outstanding contribution to improving track reconstruction in dense environments.
  • David Adams (Brookhaven National Laboratory) and Pierre-Antoine Delsart (CNRS) received awards for leading and implementing crucial changes to jet and Etmiss software and development of related xAOD dual use tools during LS1.
  • Tadashi Maeno (Brookhaven National Laboratory) was recognised for his contributions to the design, development and commissioning of innovative new distributed computing software critical to the LS1 S&C upgrade programme and the Run 2 physics programme, including JEDI and the Event Service.
  • James Frost (University of Oxford) was awarded for his contribution to the Data Preparation area, particularly for serving as PROC and DQ convener.
  • Ewa Stanecka (Polish Academy of Sciences) was awarded for her work in the Inner Detector DCS (Detector Control System).
  • Bruce M. Barnett (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) was awarded for his contribution to the Level 1 calorimeter trigger over many years, and in particular in leading the system successfully through LS1.
  • Frederic Rosset and Cedric Sorde (both with CERN) were recognised for their contribution to the opening and closing process of the ATLAS experiment during LS1.
  • Koichi Nagai (University of Oxford) was recognised for his dedication to SCT operations and Run 2 commissioning.
  • Gary Drake (Argonne National Laboratory), Irakli Minashvili (JINR) and Stanislav Nemecek (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) were awarded for their work leading to the improved reliability Low Voltage Power Supplies and the consolidation of the Front-End electronics of the Tile Hadronic Calorimeter for Run 2.
  • Jiri Masik (University of Manchester), Mark Sutton (University of Sussex), and Dmitry Emeliyanov and Stewart Martin-Haugh (both with STFC) were recognised for the drastic improvements in performance, timing and flexibility of the ATLAS Trigger Tracking software.
  • Moritz Backes and Michael Rammensee (both with CERN), Yu Nakahama (KEK), Catrin Bernius (New York University), and Tim Martin and Elisabetta Pianori (both with University of Warwick), received awards for their dedication to the implementation and commissioning of the complex ATLAS Run-2 trigger menu.
  • Guido Volpi (University of Pisa and INFN) was recognised for his original, crucial and extended work on designing the Fast Tracker system (FTK) and its simulation.
  • Nicholas Styles (DESY) received his award for his continuing work to establish and allow simulation and reconstruction of the Inner Detector for Phase II upgrade layouts.

See the News Article on the 2015 Awards.

2016 Outstanding Achievement Award Winners


The ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Award winners for 2016 are:​​​​​​

  • Marcello Bindi (University of Göttingen), Laura Jeanty (Berkeley National Lab), Kerstin Lantzsch (University of Bonn), Karolos Potamianos (Berkeley National Lab) and Yosuke Takubo (KEK) were celebrated for their outstanding contributions to the successful commissioning and operation of the Pixel Detector for the start-up of Run 2.
  • Dmitri Kharchenko (JINR), Uladzimir Kruchonak (JINR), Konstantin Levterov (JINR) and Enrico Pastori (University of Rome Tor Vergata and INFN) were celebrated for developing new techniques ensuring stable operation of the RPC gas system.
  • Filipe Martins (Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particle Physics (LIP)) for his contribution to the operations and upgrade of the TileCal Detector Control System.
  • Ricardo Abreu (University of Oregon), Patrick Czodrowski (CERN), Carlos Barajas (University of Sussex), Joana Machado Miguens (University of Pennsylvania) and Mark Stockton (McGill University) for their outstanding contributions to ensuring the integrity of the Trigger during Run 2.
  • The ATLAS Magnet Team, CERN VSC (Vacuum, Surfaces & Coatings) Team, CERN Central Workshop and CERN Detectors Technology Operations Group were celebrated for their outstanding work on the vacuum bellows for the Endcap C Toroid. This year, in addition to awarding specific members of the collaboration, special recognition was also given to these ATLAS and CERN groups.
  • Magda Chelstowska (CERN) and Christian Ohm (Berkeley National Lab) for providing prompt data reconstruction at Tier 0, especially during the 2015 run.
  • Attila Krasznahorkay (CERN) was given an award for his outstanding contributions to the development and implementation of the Run 2 analysis model, in particular the development of the xAOD.
  • Matthias Danninger (University of British Columbia) and Hideyuki Oide (University of Genoa and INFN) were celebrated for their outstanding contributions to the real-time tracking of the Insertable B-Layer alignment.

See the News Article on the 2016 Awards.

2018 Outstanding Achievement Award Winners


The ATLAS Outstanding Achievement Award winners for 2018 are:

  • Jeffrey R. Dandoy (University of Pennsylvania​) and Khoo Teng Jian (University of Geneva) were celebrated for their creative and dedicated contributions to the measurement of jet energy and missing transverse momentum.
  • Alex Kastanas (Stockholm University​) for his excellent contribution to the on-line luminosity software as well as dedicated operational support.
  • Noemi Calace (CERN) and Nora Emilia Pettersson (University of Massachusetts​) for their remarkable contributions to the ITK upgrade project through simulation, reconstruction and performance studies.
  • Takuto Kunigo (Kyoto University​), Tomoyuki Saito (ICEPP, University of Tokyo) and Shota Suzuki (KEK) were celebrated for their outstanding contributions in the development, deployment and commissioning of the trigger burst-stopper for the ATLAS Level-1 endcap muon system.
  • Olga Igonkina (Nikhef), Murrough Landon (Queen Mary University of London), Imma Riu (Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology​), Eduard Simioni (University of Mainz) and Rosa Simoniello (University of Mainz) received awards for their exceptional contributions and dedication in successfully commissioning the Level-1 Topo trigger.
  • Ed Moyse (University of Massachusetts) and Scott Snyder (Brookhaven National Laboratory​) for their outstanding contributions to software development and deployment.

See the News Article on the 2018 Awards.

2010 Thesis Award Winners


2012 Thesis Award Winners


2014 Thesis Award Winners


The ATLAS Thesis Award winners for 2014 are:

See the News Article on the 2014 Awards.