Search Virtual Visits
The participants in this virtual visit are Second year undergraduate students from the Beihang University.
In the scope of the CERN ONLINE Portuguese Language Teachers Programme, to happen from the 2nd to the 20th of November, 2021 (, the visit aims at showing the ATLAS Experiment to the participants that will be attending in Zoom.
The participants in this virtual visit are high school students interested in learning more about particle physics and the work CERN has been doing with the ATLAS Experiment.
The participants of this virtual visit are The third junior high school of Rethymno in Crete island, aiming to learn about the Large Hadron Collider and ATLAS experiments.
This virtual visit is for a group of Year 12 students who have just studied particle Physics as part of their A level course.
As part of national science week 2021, 5th- and 6th-year physics students from Presentation De La Salle College, Carlow, will participate in a virtual tour of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. This tour will enhance their knowledge of particle physics which they learned in 2021 during the lockdown. Both teachers and students are eagerly looking forward to the visit.
The coordination of Physics at CEFET/RJ Maracanã organizes the Virtual Visit to ATLAS experiment at CERN. This visit is an online event in which students will be taken directly to CERN's ATLAS Detector, in its control room, and then to the cavern - the location 100 meters deep where the particle detector is. Contact is made with CERN's Physicists and Engineers, who present the laboratory and answer students' questions. This event is organized by Prof. Wagner Souza, coordinator of High School Physics at the Maracanã campus, who visited CERN in 2014 and took a seven-day course. Two hundred fifty places will be made available to high school students from all CEFET/RJ campuses.
The participants in this virtual visit are doing study-week about elementary particles and Cosmology.
This Virtual Visit is for the German virtual science festival "ScienceDaysDigital2021"
The Year 12 physics students at Kensington Aldridge Academy participate in this virtual visit to the ATLAS cavern.
This Virtual Visit is for students of master II in High Energy and Particle Physics at the University Mohammed V in Rabat. As a complement of the Detectors lecture.
This virtual visit is part of a pre-conference event for the Grand Unification in the Diaspora conference organised by The National Society of Black Physicists, the largest and most recognisable organisation devoted to the African-American physics community's growth and development and advancement. The event consists of a talk by ATLAS physicist Kétévi Assamagan and is followed by short visits from the ATLAS and CMS Control Rooms.
The participants in this virtual visit are members of the UK's Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The goal is to learn the UK's role in a major international science facility funded through BEIS. The event is part of the department's Lunch and Learn programme.
ATLAS officially welcomes new members to the collaboration three times a year through an Induction Day and week-long Software Tutorial. In the past, new ATLAS members were able to receive underground tours of the ATLAS experiment. Thanks to virtual visits, even though this new member week is currently entirely virtual, we are excited to offer an ATLAS Experiment visit once again!
For the 4th year in a row, a virtual visit is organised for the ATLAS experiment at CERN for students at Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science.
The participants in this virtual visit are a Group of Physics students from Sherubtse College Bhutan in coordination with the Physics Lecturer, Parsu Ram Sharma.
Visit ATLAS New Small Wheel (NSW-C) at point-1.
Découverte de la physique des particules pour des élèves de seconde dans le cadre de la fête de la science au lycée Saint Louis de Saumur.
Live Tour of the ATLAS Cavern for TikTok
This virtual visit if for the participants in the taster lectures at School of Physical and Chemical Sciences at Queen Mary University of London
Découverte de la physique des particules pour des élèves de seconde dans le cadre de la fête de la science au lycée Saint Louis de Saumur.
Découverte de la physique des particules pour des élèves de seconde dans le cadre de la fête de la science au lycée Saint Louis de Saumur.
The Port is a Humanitarian Hackathon that brings together scientists, engineers, humanitarian workers and many other professionals and students for a three-day intensive innovation event to tackle some of the main humanitarian and social challenges facing us. Visit for more.
Accompanying program of a university course
Fête de la Science @LPNHE
The participants in the virtual visits are the Sixth Form students at Guildford High School.
The CERN Alumni Second Collisions event (Research Matters – Impact of CERN Alumni on Society), taking place online from 1-3 Oct will be hosted on a platform which we hope will recreate iconic CERN buildings.
Urdaneta School
This virtual visit aims to allow students to discover CERN, particle physics, and scientific research. Hopefully, this guided tour will inspire our learners to pursue science careers.
Dar a conocer qué es el CERN, qué se investiga en él y cómo es el trabajo de un científico. Va dirigida a alumnos de 2º BACH de ciencias que están decidiendo qué quieren estudiar en su futuro, y es interesante que conozcan en qué consiste la labor de investigación.
This visit will be part of the Latin American masterclass organised for Colombia, Chile, and Uruguay students.
This visit will be part of the Latin American masterclass organised for Colombia, Chile, and Uruguay students.
This virtual visit is for the public event organiser by Oxford Particle Physics. It will be streamed from three different locations: ATLAS Visitor Centre / Control Room, ATLAS cavern, and CERN building 40.
Sparks! conference remote participants. 2021 edition is about Articial Intelligence. See
This virtual visit is organised by the Cultural Service of the Embassy of France in Switzerland.
Physics Without Frontiers (PWF) in the Iraqi Kurdistan region aims at providing a comprehensive introduction to the new ideas and discoveries of particle physics and modern cosmology.
This virtual visit is for Year 12 (final year of secondary) physics students from Australia studying the Standard Model of matter and particle accelerators.
This virtual visit is for the PHYS248 Autumn 2021 class of the Early Fall Start program at the University of Washington. In the Discovery Seminar, we have learned an introduction to the cutting-edge quantum theory and how it explains some of the biggest puzzles in the universe.
This virtual visit is for Pakistani students participating in a two-hour physics program from various universities and intended to familiarize them with recent progress in particle and accelerator physics.
This Virtual visit is for CineGlobe filmmakers.
Xplore science discovery centre, in partnership with Ty Pawb, are hosting DARGANFOD//DISCOVER 2021. A small science festival with an overriding theme of 'putting the A into STEM'.
Xplore science discovery centre, in partnership with Ty Pawb, are hosting DARGANFOD//DISCOVER 2021. A small science festival with an overriding theme of 'putting the A into STEM'.
For the last ten years, the LHCb and ATLAS PhD students at the University of Liverpool have run a week-long summer school in August at CERN for UK 16-17-year-olds who win a place by writing an essay on Particle Physics. For the first time, the students will participate in online workshops and lectures, analyse some data and design some hypothetical experiments! This ATLAS virtual visit will be a huge inspiration.
The participants in this virtual visit are year 12 Physics students learning about the role of particle accelerators in obtaining evidence that tests and validates aspects of theories, including the Standard Model of matter.
This virtual visit will be available to all 700+ applicants to the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory work experience programme. It will be one of several inspiring virtual visits and online talks that will showcase STFC's research programme and the breadth of STEM career opportunities. For safeguarding reasons, this visit will be a webinar.
An open virtual tour of the ATLAS detector hosted on the ATLAS TikTok channel.
IEEE YMCA Student Branch is organizing a series of events in collaboration with IEEE Delhi Section (India Council) and IEEE Asia-Pacific Region 10. The IEEE Drive event focuses on technical and professional information, resources, and services aspects to encourage member students in colleges and universities worldwide to foster an interest in the engineering profession, advocate for the profession, and help to introduce technology careers to young people worldwide.
The participants in this visit are doing their Science Internship Program at Santa Cruz University.
In this virtual visit, the audiences are participating in the HASCO summer school in Göttingen.
This tour is for physics teachers participating in a QuarkNet workshop at the University of Oklahoma in the US. Later this day, the teachers will perform the ATLAS Masterclass analysis.