Search Virtual Visits
This ATLAS virtual tour is a side activity of the Planetarium Science Center, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, for a group of High School Students participating in the International Physics Masterclasses 2023.
The virtual ATLAS visit, as part of the international Masterclasses program, is designed to give high school students in Ben Guerir, Morocco, a unique opportunity to discover the world of particle physics and the role of the ATLAS experiment in advancing in the understanding of the universe. It will emphasise the collaboration between CERN and the University Mohamed VI Polytechnique and provide an innovative learning experience that combines. The virtual format of the visit makes it accessible to a broader range of students and underscores the importance of international collaboration in scientific research.
This ATLAS Virtual Visit is part of Slovakia's international masterclasses, an event for high-school students about hands-on particle physics experience.
This ATLAS virtual visit is a part of the introudction to high energy physics offered to the general audience by the New York University in Abu Dhabi.
Students in Matera, Italy, will participate in a virtual visit to the ATLAS experiment at CERN, where they'll engage with cutting-edge research and STEM experts, inspiring future scientists and engineers.
Join us for an interactive virtual visit as we explore the inner workings of the CERN ATLAS experiment during our Science Information Session orientation class. Led by our experienced host, this visit will provide a unique opportunity to gain insight into one of the world's most exciting and cutting-edge scientific endeavours.
Twenty girls from southern Nepal were selected to participate in a week-long workshop promoting scientific thinking. To introduce them to various excellent research work in the world, we have planned to organize a virtual visit to the ATLAS Experiment.
This Virtual Visit is for the Women in Physics society at Richard Collyer College
The participants in this visit are the international teams of high-school students that registered for the 10th edition of the Beamline for Schools Competition.
The participants in this visit are the international teams of high-school students that registered for the 10th edition of the Beamline for Schools Competition.
The participants in this visit are the international teams of high-school students that registered for the 10th edition of the Beamline for Schools Competition.
The National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) is a not-for-profit organisation that runs several programs to encourage young people in their passion for science. The NYSF Year 12 Program offers an exciting range of in-person and digital science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) experiences for participants across Australia. Around 500 Year 11 students across Australia are selected to participate in this 3-week mixed-mode STEM experience.
The participants in this virtual visit aim to understand what's happening in particle physics at the ATLAS experiment.
This Virtual visit aims to gain insights into the work of the ATLAS experiment at CERN.
Yerevan State University students will participate in CERN Virtual visit to gain new knowledge about CERN facilities and to get to know one of humankind's greatest and outstanding creations (the CERN ATLAS detector). This visit aims to encourage students to continue their academic studies.
IB Physics HL - Particle Physics
This virtual visit is for the Boyle Heights STEM Magnet High School, one of's supported high schools in Los Angeles, CA.
Newton College is a Spanish High School in Elche that teaches both International and Spanish Baccalaureate. As part of their Physics classes, an ATLAS Virtual Visit is organised to inspire his pupils to become the next generation of scientists and engineers in our ever-changing world.
A group of 20 A-level students finished a particle and quantum physics course. To add modern-day context to their studies, introducing students to how particles are detected would be a fantastic idea. Gaining a greater understanding of research and inside laboratories is a unique opportunity and will hopefully inspire future physicists.
This virtual visit is a closing event of a local calibration organised by the ATLAS team of Cosenza in Italy for the 10th anniversary of the Higgs boson discovery. The event is open to a few high schools in Cosenza city.
Short outreach video for Harvard LPPC youtube channel ( with Harvard undergraduate Yao Yin
The Federal Institute of Bahia, Vitória da Conquista campus will have virtual visit on December 09th, 2022 the ATLAS experiment @ CERN in Switzerland. The visit is organised in Brazil by Professor Selma Rozane Vieira and will be hosted at CERN by the researchers Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/CERN), Juan Lieber Marin (Instituto Federal da Bahia, but presently at CERN) and Edmar de Souza (LPNhE de Sorbonne). O Instituto Federal da Bahia, campus Vitória da Conquista visitará virtualmente em 09 de Dezembro de 2022 o experimento ATLAS no CERN, Suíça. A visita será organizada no Brasil pela professora Selma Rozane Vieira e será coordenada no CERN pelos pesquisadores Denis Oliveira Damazio, Juan Lieber Marin (Instituto Federal da Bahia, mas no momento no CERN) e Edmar de Souza (LPNhE de Sorbonne).
The participants in this virtual visit are pupils at the Kittredge Magnet School that will have a brief introduction to particle physics. They would like to discuss research currently being conducted with a general explanation.
The participants in this virtual visit are a group of 16-17-year-old students who have just learnt a bit about Particle Physics and would love to learn how particles are accelerated, studied and discovered.
LA-CoNGA physics is a project financed by Erasmus+, where eight universities in Latin America share a series of courses on advanced physics during a year as part of their master's degree programs. This virtual visit is part of the program for the Network School organised every year after finishing the courses. This year the school will be held in the city of Santa Marta in Colombia, between Universidad del Magdalena and Universidad Antonio Narino.
The audience of this ATLAS virtual visit are students at the Washington and Lee Universities
This virtual visit is an attempt to introduce and understand the field of particle physics and the experiments conducted at CERN.
This Virtual Visit of the Pedro II High-School - Campus Caxias to the ATLAS Experiment, CERN, Switzerland. Visit organised by professor José Manuel de Seixas (COPPE/UFRJ) and D.Sc. Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/CERN) Visita Virtual do Colégio Pedro II - Campus Caxias ao experimento ATLAS, CERN, Suíça. Visita organizada pelo professor José Manuel de Seixas (COPPE/UFRJ) e o D.Sc. Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/CERN)
The participants in this virtual visit are the 16-18 years students and their teachers. They will have short lectures about particles and then attend a virtual tour.
This Virtual Visit is a part of the local Chilean activity with secondary school and undergraduate students around the country.
The Astronomy and Physics society at Nottingham Trent University, in collaboration with the Women in STEM society and the Physics society of the University of Nottingham, organises a science event and a virtual visit to the ATLAS experiment. This visit targets undergraduate physics students to learn about the activity performed at the ATLAS experiment at CERN and the possibilities for students and work at CERN.
Virtual Visit of the Federal Center for Technological Education - Nova Iguaçú to the ATLAS Experiment, CERN, Switzerland. This visit is organised by professor José Manuel de Seixas (COPPE/UFRJ) and D.Sc. Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/CERN) Visita Virtual do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica - Nova Iguaçú ao experimento ATLAS, CERN, Suíça. Visita organizada pelo professor José Manuel de Seixas (COPPE/UFRJ) e o D.Sc. Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/CERN)
A Faculdade Professor Wilson Roberto Ribeiro de Camargo fará uma visita virtual ao experimento ATLAS no CERN no próximo dia 27/10. A visita, organizada no Brasil pelo professor Dr. Pedro Sérgio Rosa da própria Universidade e na Suiça pelo Dr. Denis Oliveira Damazio BNL/CERN.
The audiences are scientists from Lithuania attending a course in Science Communication by the ATLAS physicist Steven Goldfarb. He plans to demonstrate various means used by the collaboration and others in particle physics to communicate science.
In the exposition “Exploradores do Conhecimento” (Knowledge Explorers, link, students from schools in Rio de Janeiro state will come to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and will perform several activities. Including a virtual visit to the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Switzerland.
This Virtual Visit if for the students at the Princeton International School of Mathematics and Science.
The participants in this virtual visit are first-year physics students who want an insight into CERN and ATLAS experiment.
In the exposition “Exploradores do Conhecimento” (Knowledge Explorers, link, students from schools in Rio de Janeiro state will come to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and will perform several activities. Including a virtual visit to the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Switzerland.
This virtual visit is for the Science Festival in Montenegro. The visit will start with a talk that Steve Goldfarb will give a fun science talk, beginning at 10:00. After Q&A (around 10:45-11:00), we'll go live to ATLAS for a half-hour visit. A mini-Masterclass will follow that.
In the exposition “Exploradores do Conhecimento” (Knowledge Explorers, link, students from schools in Rio de Janeiro state will come to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and will perform several activities. Including a virtual visit to the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Switzerland.
In the exposition “Exploradores do Conhecimento” (Knowledge Explorers, link, students from schools in Rio de Janeiro state will come to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and will perform several activities. Including a virtual visit to the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Switzerland.
This Virtual Visit is for the participants in the Masterclass organised in 5 Colombian cities by the Colombian ATLAS group.
This ATLAS virtual visit will be streamed from the cavern and aimed at students members of the APsoc of Nottingham and the University of Geneva, hoping to learn more about the detector and the activities performed at CERN.
This virtual visit is for the student from the University of Washington who will learn cutting-edge instruments to search for physics beyond the Standard Model.