Search Virtual Visits
Virtual Visit of the School Pedro II - Duque de Caxias at the COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ( to the ATLAS Experiment at CERN/Switzerland. The students will be able to view parts of the detector as well as interact with experts on the field. The visit will be coordinated by Professor Marcia Begalli in Brazil and Researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL) in the ATLAS Control room. Visita Virtual do Colégio Pedro II - Duque de Caxias na COPPE/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ( ao Experimento ATLAS no CERN/Suiça. Os estudantes poderão ver partes do detector assim como interagir com especialistas no campo. A Visita será coordenada pela Professora Marcia Begalli no Brasil e o Pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL) na sala de controle do detector ATLAS.
O CEPI João Roberto Moreira fará uma visita virtual ao experimento ATLAS complementando seus conhecimentos em Física Moderna. A Visita é organizada no Brasil pelo professor Vagner Paulino e no CERN pelo pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (ATLAS/BNL). The CEPI João Roberto Moreira will visit the ATLAS Experiment complementing their knowledge on Modern Physics. The Visit is organized in Brazil by the professor Vagner Paulino and at CERN by the researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (ATLAS/BNL).
This virtual visit is apart of the IEEE BVM Meeting. Keynote speech from the ATLAS experiment.
Virtual Visit of the State School Professora Eliana Martins Dantas at the COPPE/Federal University of Rio de Janeiro ( to the ATLAS Experiment at CERN/Switzerland. The students will be able to view parts of the detector as well as interact with experts on the field. The visit will be coordinated by Professor Marcia Begalli in Brazil and Researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL) in the ATLAS Control room. Visita Virtual do Colégio Estadual Professora Eliana Martins Dantas na COPPE/Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ( ao Experimento ATLAS no CERN/Suiça. Os estudantes poderão ver partes do detector assim como interagir com especialistas no campo. A Visita será coordenada pela Professora Marcia Begalli no Brasil e o Pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL) na sala de controle do detector ATLAS.
Take a virtual tour around the ATLAS detector in the cavern, located almost 100 meters below ground at interaction point 1 of the Large Hadron Collider, with Joni Pham, our University of Melbourne PhD student now working at CERN. Joni will also be happy to tell you more about the LHC, the ATLAS experiment, its goals and accomplishments, and life as a physicist at CERN.
The School for physic teachers of the Brazilian Center for Physics Research will take place from July 17th to 21st, 2023. During this time, the teachers will have the opportunity to take part on a Virtual Visit to the ATLAS detector on July 21st, 11:00 local time (Rio de Janeiro). The visit is coordinated by professors Marcia Begalli and Andre Massafferri in Brazil and researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/ATLAS) at the ATLAS Control Room. A escola para professores de física do Ensino Médio do Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Físicas acontecerá entre os dias 17 e 21 de Julho de 2023. Durante a semana, os professores terão a oportunidade de participar a uma Visita Virtual ao Experimento ATLAS no dia 21 de Julho as 11:00 horário local (Rio de Janeiro). A visita será coordinada pelos professores Márcia Begalli e André Massafferri no Brasil e pelo pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/ATLAS) na sala de control do detector ATLAS.
O Clube de Ciência do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) promoverá a Visita Virtual ao Experimento ATLAS em comemoração ao Dia Nacional da Ciência e do Pesquisador. O evento será realizado no Parque das Dunas em Natal e será aberto ao público, promovendo o projeto #VejoCiênciaEmTodosOsLugares. Será um momento único onde a população de Natal poderá interagir com pesquisadores do maior centro de pesquisa do mundo. O evento será coordenado pelo pesquisador Denis Damazio (ATLAS/BNL) na Suíça e no Brasil pelos professores Amadeu Albino e Glória Albino do IFRN Campus Natal-Central, coordenadores do Clube de Ciência. The Science Club of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFRN) of Rio Grande do Norte State promotes a Virtual Visit to the ATLAS Experiment to commemorate the Nacional Day of Science and of the Researcher. The event will happen in the Parque das Dunas in Natal and will be open to the public, promoting the project #VejoCiênciaEmTodosOsLugares (I see science everywhere). The event will be an unique opportunity as the population in Natal will be able to interact with researchers in the biggest research centre in the world. The event will be coordinated by the researcher Denis Damazio (ATLAS/BNL) in Switzerland and in Brazil by the professores Amadeu Albino and Gloria Albino of the IFRN Campus Natal Central, coordinators of the Science Club.
This virtual visit is to Celebrate the 30 years membership of Slovakia at CERN. It is a whole-day activity with two hour virtual visits for high school and university students.
Lycée Liziba is a girls' school in Kinshasa that provides a high-quality education in a safe and nurturing environment. We are committed to helping girls reach their full potential.
O Clube de Ciência do Instituto Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) promoverá uma Visita Virtual ao Experimento ATLAS com o CERN e com o Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL), Campus Piranhas, durante a I SEMANA DE INTEGRAÇÃO DAS LICENCIATURAS EM FÍSICA E MATEMÁTICA. O evento será aberto a servidores e estudantes do Campus Piranhas, promovendo o projeto #VejoCiênciaEmTodosOsLugares. Será um momento único onde a comunidade do IFAL poderá interagir com pesquisadores do maior centro de pesquisa do mundo. O evento será coordenado pelo pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (ATLAS/BNL) e, no Brasil, pelos professores Amadeu Albino e Glória Albino (IFRN - Campus Natal-Central), coordenadores do Clube de Ciência, e pelos professores Felipe Freitas, Ricardo Batista do Carmo, Erilaine Barreto Peixoto (IFAL – Campus Piranhas). The Science Club from the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) is promoting the Virtual Visit to the ATLAS Experiment at CERN and with the Federal Institute of Alagoas (IFAL), Piranhas Campus, during the FIRST WEEK of INTEGRATION for the PHYSICS and MATHEMATICS GRADUATION. The event is open for employees and students of the Piranhas Campus in the context of the project #VejoCiênciaEmTodosOsLugares (I see science everywhere). It will be an unique moment in which the IFAL community will be able to interact with researchers of the largest research centre in the world. The event is coordinated by the researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (ATLAS/BNL) and, in Brazil, by the professors Amadeu Albino e Glória Albino (IFRN - Natal-Central Campus), coordinators of the Science Club and by the professors Felipe Freitas, Ricardo Batista do Carmo e Erilaine Barreto Peixoto (IFAL - Campus Piranhas).
The Malaika School is a remarkable institution in the vibrant city of Lubumbashi, in the southeastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. With a noble mission at its core, The Malaika School provides a free lifeline to over 400 girls by offering free, accredited primary and secondary education.
The Centro Educa Mais Carlos Magno Duque Barcelar from Coelho Neto in the Maranhão State, in Brazil will visit the ATLAS detector at CERN/Switzerland as part of the activities to promote science to its students. The visit is organised in Brazil by the professor Antônio Joel Pereira Costa and in Switzerland by the researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (CERN/BNL). O Centro Educa Mais Carlos Magno Duque Barcelar de Coelho Neto no Estado do Maranhão, no Brasil visitará o detector ATLAS no CERN/Suíça como parte das atividades para promover a ciência a seus estudantes. A visita é organizada no Brasil pelo professor Antônio Joel Pereira Costa e na Suíça pelo pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (CERN/BNL).
ATLAS at CERN offers a unique opportunity for students to explore the universe's fundamental nature. This virtual visit is for a masterclass that connects three Latin American countries, providing hands-on activities and insights from expert physicists. Participants can connect with peers, fostering an inclusive learning environment.
This ATLAS virtual visit allows chemistry and physics students to participate in a virtual field trip as an alternative to their usual live lessons. During the virtual visit, students can explore the exciting world of particle physics, learning about the fundamental building blocks of matter and the scientific discoveries made at the ATLAS experiment. With the help of an expert guide, students will have an engaging and interactive experience that will spark their curiosity and inspire their future studies in the sciences.
ATLAS at CERN offers a unique opportunity for students to explore the universe's fundamental nature. This virtual visit is for a masterclass that connects three Latin American countries, providing hands-on activities and insights from expert physicists. Participants can connect with peers, fostering an inclusive learning environment.
In the exposition “Exploradores do Conhecimento” (Knowledge Explorers), students from schools in Rio de Janeiro state will come to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and will perform several educational activities, including a virtual visit to the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Switzerland coordinated by the professor Marcia Begalli (from UERJ/Brazil) and the researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/ATLAS). Durante a exposição "Exploradores do Conhecimento", estudantes de escolas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro vêem até a Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro para praticar várias atividades educacionais, incluindo uma visita ao experimento ATLAS coordenada pela professora Márcia Begalli (da UERJ) e o pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/ATLAS)
In the exposition “Exploradores do Conhecimento” (Knowledge Explorers), students from schools in Rio de Janeiro state will come to the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and will perform several educational activities. Including a virtual visit to the ATLAS experiment at CERN, Switzerland coordinated by the professor Marcia Begalli (from UERJ/Brazil) and the researcher Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/ATLAS). Durante a exposição "Exploradores do Conhecimento", estudantes de escolas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro vêem até a Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro para praticar várias atividades educacionais, incluindo uma visita ao experimento ATLAS coordenada pela professora Márcia Begalli (da UERJ) e o pesquisador Denis Oliveira Damazio (BNL/ATLAS)
This ATLAS virtual visit is for KTH students interested in subatomic physics to get an up-close look at the fascinating world of particle physics. It is designed for students interested in pursuing the subatomic physics master's degree. During the visit, students can explore the ATLAS control room and witness first-hand the exciting experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. This event will introduce students to the cutting-edge research conducted in particle physics and encourage them to pursue a career in this exciting and rapidly-evolving field.
The ATLAS virtual visit for the 3rd ONLINE Ukrainian Teacher Programme is an exciting opportunity to explore the world of particle physics and the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The participants in the virtual visit will learn about the science behind the experiment, how it works, and what it aims to achieve. They will also have the chance to interact with a physicist who works on the project, ask questions, and engage in discussions.
The ATLAS virtual visit for the 3rd ONLINE Ukrainian Teacher Programme is an exciting opportunity to explore the world of particle physics and the ATLAS experiment at CERN. The participants in the virtual visit will learn about the science behind the experiment, how it works, and what it aims to achieve. They will also have the chance to interact with a physicist who works on the project, ask questions, and engage in discussions.
Traditional Varanasi, a tour company from Varanasi, India, has organised an online and offline sessions since April 2020. This time, they offer a unique opportunity to participate in a virtual visit with a CERN scientist. During the session, participants can learn about the latest ATLAS physics developments at CERN and the technology and experiments used in particle physics. The virtual visit is an excellent way for anyone interested in physics to gain a deeper understanding of the subject and explore the world of particle physics from their home.
The ATLAS virtual visit to Gomel City Lyceum, Belarus, provides students with an interactive opportunity to learn about particle physics and the Large Hadron Collider. They can participate in live chats and Q&A sessions with ATLAS scientists, deepening their understanding of physics and exploring the exciting world of particle physics.
The participants in this ATLAS virtual visit are university students from Oslo studying particle and quantum physics.
This virtual visit is for the Unga Forskare Young Researchers Exhibition to promote young people's interests in science, technology and mathematics. This visit is a part of Sweden's largest research competition, annually organised for young students from year three, to help them exhibit their high school work. The Young Researchers Exhibition aims to inspire young people and ensures they find joy in their research through community work and exchanging knowledge with each other.
This ATLAS virtual visit is for 50 students attending the annual Particle Physics Schools Masterclass organised by Manchester university in the UK. This virtual experience allows the attending students to learn about particle physics and visit the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Students will learn about detector components and functions, scientific objectives and recent results. This visit aims to inspire the next generation of scientists and give them a unique insight into the exciting world of particle physics research.
This ATLAS virtual visit is for 50 students attending the annual Particle Physics Schools Masterclass organised by Manchester university in the UK. This virtual experience allows the attending students to learn about particle physics and visit the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Students will learn about detector components and functions, scientific objectives and recent results. This visit aims to inspire the next generation of scientists and give them a unique insight into the exciting world of particle physics research.
This ATLAS virtual visit is for 50 students attending the annual Particle Physics Schools Masterclass organised by Manchester university in the UK. This virtual experience allows the attending students to learn about particle physics and visit the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Students will learn about detector components and functions, scientific objectives and recent results. This visit aims to inspire the next generation of scientists and give them a unique insight into the exciting world of particle physics research.
This ATLAS virtual visit is for 50 students attending the annual Particle Physics Schools Masterclass organised by Manchester university in the UK. This virtual experience allows the attending students to learn about particle physics and visit the ATLAS experiment at CERN. Students will learn about detector components and functions, scientific objectives and recent results. This visit aims to inspire the next generation of scientists and give them a unique insight into the exciting world of particle physics research.
The participants in the virtual visit are students doing Physics in their senior year. They are looking forward to learning more about present research and scientific collaboration.
This virtual visit to the ATLAS Cavern is for students from three different schools in Colombia. The students are between 8 to 12 years old and will have a unique opportunity to learn about the experiments conducted there. And learn about cutting-edge scientific research and inspire them to pursue careers in STEM fields.
Fulbright University Vietnam (FUV) is the first liberal arts university in Vietnam. Our design for academic programs embraces scientific, social, and humanistic modes of inquiry and action, optimised for a dynamic and impatient future. This virtual visit is a once-in-a-lifetime experience to help our students explore how the ATLAS detector at CERN works and be inspired to follow the academic and research path in fundamental physics later.
A live tour of the ATLAS detector for YouTube audience.
Big Science: a place for me! On the 2nd of March, high school students of Uppsala will have the opportunity to visit Uppsala University and get a glimpse into the world of the large science facilities.
This ATLAS virtual tour is a side activity of the Planetarium Science Center, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, for a group of High School Students participating in the International Physics Masterclasses 2023.
The virtual ATLAS visit, as part of the international Masterclasses program, is designed to give high school students in Ben Guerir, Morocco, a unique opportunity to discover the world of particle physics and the role of the ATLAS experiment in advancing in the understanding of the universe. It will emphasise the collaboration between CERN and the University Mohamed VI Polytechnique and provide an innovative learning experience that combines. The virtual format of the visit makes it accessible to a broader range of students and underscores the importance of international collaboration in scientific research.
This ATLAS Virtual Visit is part of Slovakia's international masterclasses, an event for high-school students about hands-on particle physics experience.
This ATLAS virtual visit is a part of the introudction to high energy physics offered to the general audience by the New York University in Abu Dhabi.
Students in Matera, Italy, will participate in a virtual visit to the ATLAS experiment at CERN, where they'll engage with cutting-edge research and STEM experts, inspiring future scientists and engineers.
Join us for an interactive virtual visit as we explore the inner workings of the CERN ATLAS experiment during our Science Information Session orientation class. Led by our experienced host, this visit will provide a unique opportunity to gain insight into one of the world's most exciting and cutting-edge scientific endeavours.
Twenty girls from southern Nepal were selected to participate in a week-long workshop promoting scientific thinking. To introduce them to various excellent research work in the world, we have planned to organize a virtual visit to the ATLAS Experiment.
This Virtual Visit is for the Women in Physics society at Richard Collyer College
The participants in this visit are the international teams of high-school students that registered for the 10th edition of the Beamline for Schools Competition.